Academic Tutoring

We help students succeed every step of the way, from the first day to the final exam.

Academic Tutoring

We offer tutoring support in a range of subjects including math, science, English grammar, and foreign languages to students in fifth through twelfth grade. Learn more about the subject-specific information and our offerings below.

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We offer tutoring in Algebra I and II, Precalculus, and Geometry.

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We offer tutoring in Chemistry I, Biology I, and Physics I.

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We offer tutoring in English grammar and writing from fifth grade through high school.

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Foreign Language

We offer tutoring in Spanish and French from fifth grade through tenth grade level.

 Frequently Asked Questions

+ How does tutoring fit in with schoolwork?

The goal of academic tutoring is to provide comprehensive support that builds on the information a student is learning in school. We like to think of our academic tutoring service as quality assurance, ensuring that students are understanding the material they are being taught in school as well as preparing them for upcoming topics so that they are empowered to engage with the coursework they encounter with true comprehension and confidence. We teach students the foundational principles of each subject so that they can build on their skillset throughout the year.

+ How is a typical academic tutoring engagement structured?

We engage with students through academic tutoring in a variety of ways. Ideally, we meet with students at least once a week to review concepts and homework and to prepare for quizzes and tests. A minimum engagement is one semester of tutoring.

+ Do you offer support with study and organizational skills?

Yes. We offer this service for students in middle through high school.

Ready to level up your learning?

Start the semester with the support needed to succeed.